World Leader in Magnetotellurics
Phoenix systems are used by contractors, universities and government agencies in over 100 countries for exploration and research. We’ve been in Toronto designing and building instrumentation since 1975, have 50 people on our team, speak a dozen languages in our office, and work all over the world.

Global Since 1975
Users have 1000s of Phoenix systems in over 100 of countries, and working on all 7 continents. Everywhere you go, our systems can keep up and our tech support can follow.
Designed for the Field
45 years of design and field experience ensure Phoenix systems can get the job done, and then keep working on the next job.
Integrated Systems
Phoenix Sensors, Software, and Receivers are complete systems that work together and are ready to go, covering MT, AMT, CSAMT, IP and TDEM techniques.
Exploration and Research
Our EM techniques have been used effectively around the world on exploration surveys for Base and Precious metals, Oil and Gas, Diamonds, Geothermal systems, and Groundwater, along with Engineering studies, Reservoir Monitoring, Earthquake Prediction Research, and Deep Crustal Research.

“For routine MT data collection, the 5Cs are a significant step-up in capability compared with the 5As.”
Grant Caldwell, New Zealand
“We are really impressed by the simplicity of the Network Data Upload Configuration.”
Prof. Emin Candasayar, Turkey
“Not only is it a robust, state-of-the-art unit, it is now allowing us to conduct research
in a different way… The ability to stream data onto our servers from distant lands really is something special.”
Colin Hogg, DIAS, Ireland
"Equipment from Phoenix stands out
for its ease of use and in particular the EMPOWER software has features that have made our acquisition tasks much easier."
LithoSphera Ltda, Colombia
"The success we have achieved on this ground breaking project was in no small part due to
the – ‘they just work’ – nature of the new Phoenix MT UMT systems and software."
Graham Hill, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
“I would highly recommend the TXU-30 to anyone that requires a high output, extremely reliable transmitter, which offers amazing flexibility in waveform selection for both electromagnetic and electrical mineral exploration geophysics.”
Brent Robertson, Discovery International Geophysics, Canada